
Welcome to Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 295's homepage. We are members of theTwo Rivers District in the Miami Valley Council of the BSA.
Our Troop is sponsored by Westminster Presbyterian Church located at 325 W Ash Street, Piqua, OH. We meet every Thursday at the church 7:00-8:30pm.
We have 10 scouts in our Troop. Although we currently have several active adults who help out at meetings or campouts we are a "Boy Led / Adult Guided" troop. The Scouts are in charge, the Scouts make the decisions, and Scouts choose camping destinations. It is the goal of all the adult leaders to make sure that we provide an experience that allows boys to truly understand what it is like to be a "boy scout".
If you or a friend are interested in scouts and would like more information please feel free to come to a meeting. We encourage Webelos 2's to stop by and check out our Troop when deciding on a future troop to continue your scouting journey.
