 | | Welcome To Pack 3837! We are very happy to have the opportunity to participate in this program with you! Since 1944, our Pack has been sponsored by the Port Washington Kiwanis Club. Cub Scouts is the first step in the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) youth program for boys. The program is geared for boys between first grade and fifth grade with 10 purposes related to the overall mission of the Boy Scouts of America - to build character, learn citizenship, and develop personal fitness: | - Character Development 6. Respectful Relationships
- Spiritual Growth 7. Personal Achievement
- Good Citizenship 8. Friendly Service
- Sportsmanship & Fitness 9. Fun and Adventure
- Family Understanding 10. Preparation for Boy Scouts
| | Our Pack meets once a month from September through May and consists of smaller dens. Each den is comprised of 6-8 boys, roughly of the same age, which meet with a volunteer Den Leader one to three times a month working through various age-appropriate achievements with the goal of future rank advancement and having fun with other scouts. The boys will get the opportunity to camp twice a year (Fall/Spring) with the Pack. Our Fall campout is held at the ever popular Cub Scout World - Camp Rokilio located in Kiel, Wisconsin while our Spring campout is held locally in the Ozaukee/Washington County area. In February, we have a big Blue & Gold banquet to celebrate the birthday of Cub Scouting and to honor our graduating second year Webelos. We also race in the Pinewood Derby in March, which is always a big hit! Aside from Pack meetings, there are several volunteer activities & civic service projects that we participate in throughout the year including Scouting for Food and Christmas on the Corner, which help to generate food and funds to the local food pantry. We generate our major funds for the Pack with our annual popcorn fundraiser where the boys go door-to-door in our community to sell popcorn to their family, friends and neighbors. Please consider us for your scouting home! For more information, please click on the "Contact Our Pack" link at the top of the page. | "On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight." ...Scout Oath | |