Scouting has been around a long time. The Boy Scouts of America was founded in 1910, and became federally chartered with the United States in 1916. Cub Scouts came into being in 1930. Millions of boys have worn the uniform, cooked over an open fire at a campsite, earned their Bobcat, raced their Pinewood Derby cars, worked on service projects, and made new friends under the umbrella of Scouting. Flowing underneath all this fun and excitement is a character-building program that encourages making good ethical choices, family strengthening, physical fitness, and citizenship skills in the lives of our boys.
Scouting utilizes an advancement system that requires a boy to "do his best" to fulfill and complete the requirements outlined in his handbook so that he may earn his rank badge. After receiving his badge, these Scouts can go on to earn other awards by completing a series of electives. Please keep in mind that although there are lots of awards and recognitions in Scouting, Pack 151 will strive towards the end that these are earned through significant, meaningful methods that your son will remember for a long time.
During den meetings for Tigers, Wolves & Bears the boys will be playing games, building craft projects, learning songs, etc. In doing so, these boys will be improving on different skills as they learn to get along with others, become more resourceful, and participate in new activities and venues.
At the Webelos level the boys are introduced to several diverse Activity Badges and, within the framework of the Webelos den, they work on completing these badges. There are Webelos I (4th graders) and Webelos II (5th graders). At the first level, after earning their Webelos badge. Webelos I continue to earn additional activity badges and gain new knowledge and skills in these areas. The Webelos II, though maybe still earning Activity Badges, also begin focusing on completing other requirements for their Arrow of Light award and will be conducting activities with various Boy Scout Troops.
Pack 151 follows a "Scout year" of September to June and upon nearing the end of the school term all the boys "cross over" into the next rank. During the summer, Den meeting work on achievements may be suspended but the Pack will endeavor to provide fun outings such as scout camps, day camps, baseball games, Pack swim, etc. that goes toward the boys earning their awards.
There are many, many events offered in Scouting. In addition to the events at Den meetings, we will have family camping trips, Pinewood Derby races, a Blue and Gold dinner, and much more that's just for us in Pack 151 (In addition, there are District events, which unite us with hundreds of Scouts and Council events that can have thousands of Scouts in attendance. Your participation at these functions will definitely add to your son's Scouting experience.)
Thank you for taking the time to go over this handbook with your new Cub Scout! With your help, this will be an exciting, rewarding experience for you, your son, your family, and your Pack.
Thank you for visiting our Scoutlander Page! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Yours in Scouting,
Luke Beauchamp