Welcome From Boy Scouts Troop 707!
This site is used by and for Boy Scout Troop 707, a traditional BSA troop located in Ahwatukee, AZ
Troop 707 is a Traditional Unit that was Chartered in July of 2011 through Mountain View Lutheran Church. We are part of Salt River District in the Grand Canyon Council of the Boy Scouts of America. We meet every Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:30 pm.
Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the World Scout Movement, once said that a Scoutmaster s hould "never do anything a boy can do." We take this seriously. Our entire program is run with Baden-Powell's admonition in mind! Our Scouts are in charge, the Scouts make the decisions and Scouts choose our camping destinations and all aspects of our program with adult guidance and support.
Troop 707 is a troop featuring monthly campouts organized by the patrol leadership which include activities such as multiple-day and backpacking trips, hiking and other camping/outdoor experiences. We are also active in our community.
In addition to attending summer camps, several of our Scouts work as camp staff at various camps and Cub Scout day Camps within the Grand Canyon Council gaining valuable life experience and making friends while teaching valuable Scout skills to Scouts from all over.
Currently, we are 13 Scouts strong, spread among 2 patrols. Our ongoing goal is to run a troop that operates in the way designed by the National BSA Council. We are “Boy Led”. It is the goal of Troop 707 to make sure that we provide an experience that allows boys to truly understand what it is like to be a “Boy Scout”.
Troop 707 anticipates parents of scouts to volunteer in some capacity -- as merit badge counselors, serve on a committee, and/or help with fundraising. The success of the troop depends largely on our volunteers.
If this sounds like something you (or your son) would be interested in for yourselves, please feel free to stop by and visit us or if you would like to join the troop, have questions, or have suggestions feel free to contact the Senior Patrol Leader by clicking on the above contact link.
Happy Scouting!
We're on Facebook: "Friends of Troop 707"