Each boy gets to be part of a group demonstrated by their uniform, and each group has a personal sense of identity. The scout uniform is also a display case for a scout's individual accomplishments and recognitions.
Our Pack 907 provides each newly registered boy with a neckerchief and slide. The official Cub Scout uniform shirt may be purchased at Nankin Hobby at Nine Mile and Farmington Roads, the official Scout shops in Waterford or Detroit, or online at the official website,
Patches placed on the shirt (including the District Shoulder Patch, our Pack #907, the Den Number, and the World Crest Patch) are also available at these locations. Our Pack provides the Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelo rank patches and other awards such as Webelos pins, Whittling Chip, Leave No Trace, Progress Beads, etc. as they are earned.
Most Scouts will also want to purchase a belt, because "beltloops" may be earned for academic and sports activities. Some boys also choose to buy an official hat, pants or shorts, and/or socks. Fun patches are sometimes given out at activities and may be displayed on a red "brag vest", but they may also be sewed onto any kind of jacket, blanket, or even displayed in a book like baseball cards.
Each Scout should purchase a handbook for their rank, which will guide them through the year and help them keep track of their progress.