Join Scouting
Pack 287 is always accepting new Scouts into our Pack. If you have a scout going into K-5th grade, we have a place for you! We are a family pack and involve our families in all of our events. We welcome girls also! We have lots of fun activities planned throughout the year. Please contact our Cubmaster, Pack Committee Chair, or one of our den leaders for more information. Find out how Cub Scouting can benefit your son or daughter and how it fits into your family.
Our next pack meeting is Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 7 pm in the Spring Ridge ES Cafeteria. Come by if you're interested in signing up, or sign up online using one of the links below!
Ready to join? Click here for an online application!
For more information, check out scouting at www.scouting.org, or www.beascout.org. We have a excellent scouting program that just keeps getting better and better in our growing pack!
Contact Our Cubmaster
2019-2020 Pack Committee
Cubmaster | Julian Lazarus | cmpack287@gmail.com |
Asst. Cubmaster | Mike Pierro | pierroscout@gmail.com |
Pack Committee Chair | Kristy Poker | kristyspoker@gmail.com |
Treasurer | Missy Custer | |
Lion Den Leader | Melissa Feldmeyer | |
Tiger Den Leader | Eric Brundick | |
Wolf Den Leader | John Madden | |
Wolf Den Leader | Sarah Garrett | |
Bear Den Leader | Jason Stanczyk | |
Webelos Den Leader | Kim Picca | |
AOL Den Leader | Susan Myers | |
AOL Den Leader | Angela Woltanski | |
Girl Den Leader | Christina Pierro | |
Advancement Chair | Amy Argenal | |
Outdoor Coordinator | Will Myers | |
Chartered Organization Rep. | Gil Stroup | |
Unit Commissioner | Eric Ashbaugh | eric.ashbaugh@gmail.com |
District Executive | Lauren Kefauver | lauren.kefauver@scouting.org |