It’s never too late to join Cub Scouts!
If you have a child in K,1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade, you can always sign up for Cub Scouts. You can fill out the registration form at the bottom of this page and bring it with you to your first event (pack or den meeting or activity).
For more information please feel free to contact one of our Leaders or use the Contact link at the top of this page:
- Andrew Harris (Cub Master) – jandrewharris@gmail.com
- Dave Dolnick (Committee Chair) - ddolnick1@gmail.com
- Bob Whipple (Recruiting & New Member Chair) - 52rjw08530nj@gmail.com
What does it cost?
Registration for membership in Pack 32 is $140.00 for 2018-2019 year. The registration fee pays for registration with the Boy Scouts of America, unit insurance, and helps to pay for the awards and supplies for each boy. Boys must complete a registration form for the Boy Scouts of America. The registration form is attached at the bottom of this page.
Depending on the activities, Den Leaders may ask for an activity fee to cover the costs associated with the particular activity. This may include craft supply fees, admission fees, or the like. These will be kept to a minimum and will be announced ahead of time. Some Pack events may also require a nominal activity fee. Family events are usually the responsibility of those who choose to participate.
Should fees or any costs become a problem for your family, please contact the Cubmaster or the Pack Committee Chairman. Scholarships are available and all requests will remain confidential.
What do I need?
For more information about what you need after you join Pack 32 please proceed to the “What do I Need?” section.