Thank you for your interest in joining Cub Scout Pack 595 - One of Berk's County's Oldest Cub Scout Packs, celebrating 79 years in 2021!!
At this time we offer online registration. There will be two fees for membership. $78 will be registration in the National Boy Scouts of America and insurance fees. An additional $42 will be Pack dues. These dues pay for the cost of neckerchiefs and slides, advancements and other expenses of running the Pack. If you are interested in Boys Life Magazine, which is a monthly magazine with stories and info related to scouting, that is an additional $12 for 12 issues.
If you wish to register in person to have us contact you, please click on the link at the top entitled "Contact Our Pack" and you will be able to send us an email with your contact information and we will get back to you right away to assist with the signup process!
We look forward to meeting you and your child!
Yours in Scouting,
Kurt Freer, Chartered Organizational Representative Pack 595
Mark Derer Sr., Cubmaster Pack 595
Heather James, Committee Chair Pack 595